Long-term Care Services

What is Companion Care?

Companion care is an essential element of our range of services, because it is the perfect solution for those clients who need some help at home, but don’t really require medical care.

Using this service enables an elderly person to remain in the comfort of their home, but still have help with tasks that have become troublesome for them, and it provides companionship in a situation where an elderly person runs the risk of becoming socially isolated. Research shows that lack of human contact is a real risk for the elderly, and can lead to depression. We know from experience that older people are less likely than younger generations to complain about not having enough company, or admit that they have trouble with managing to shower, get light shopping and these kinds of tasks, which is why we include a Companion Care package in our services.

Our Companion or Homemaker care providers are trained in this type of care provision. It is a different service to those needing qualified nursing staff, but we are vigilant about the quality of all our care staff, even if medical training is not an essential part of their background. We look for staff who have empathy and patience with older people and who will know when a cup of tea and a chat is more important than going to the shops. In companion care, it is vital that we get to know our clients and understand their preferences and the life they have led to this point. For example, a person who has always been physically active may feel frustrated by the effects of ageing, and knowing this helps the carer to find solutions that will brighten the client’s spirits.

A companion carer can help with a wide range of tasks, although we know that not all of them will be required in every case. Personalisation of every service we offer is a part of our ethos and we will always ensure that our service is tailored to the client’s individual needs.

Two of the most fundamental tasks a companion carer will perform are meal preparation and diet monitoring. Elderly people on their own frequently give up on cooking nutritious meals for all kinds of reasons, and a carer can make sure that eat well. The carer can also take care of doing light shopping or collecting medication form the pharmacy, and will do some light housekeeping. If a client has a dog or cat, the carer will also assist with looking after them; taking the dog for a walk for example, or accompanying the client plus dog on a walk to ensure both remain safe.

Our companion carers will also help with selecting clothes and applying makeup, but above all they prevent the loneliness that afflicts so many elderly and give the client’s family peace of mind by knowing that someone is looking after their loved one.

Get in Touch

For more information about Companion Care services, or to schedule a free in-home consultation, you can contact our Client Care Manager on 0034 952 636 900 or email info@careforme.es.

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